This is a blog to display my class reflections, evaluations and other assignments.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reflection: 2/23/2011

What new skills were introduced?

I was introduced to the program, Final Cut Pro as I used it edit my video. The program was a new experience to me because of its professional level. Thus, the new skill of using such a high-level video editing software was introduced to me. In the past, iMovie and Adobe Premiere Elements were the two primary video editing softwares that I had used, but they were somewhat mediocre, making them relatively easy to learn and use but severely limited the number of functions available, and thus the effects and quality. Final Cut Pro involves new skills in the way that things are now more complex because of how effects are applied, the number of effects, number of tools etc. I found it very difficult to learn because of its complexity, but the skill of using this type of software began to be learned due to close proximity and experimental usage.
What did I find difficult and how was it solved?
I found the experimental learning of Final Cut Pro quite difficult because of the advanced level and the expansion of the simpler functions in civilian level video editing software as opposed to the professional variety. Because I was unfamiliar, the editing of the video became quite difficult. However, as with everything, I have to start somewhere so I just went ahead with it and learned the basic functionality of the software allowing me to edit the video despite the fact that it wasn't particularly good. This was how I solved it, if it can be called that. I experimented and learned some of it which allowed me to get somewhere though it was too short to allow me to run in the Olympics.
How can I improve my skills?

As said before, the difficulty lay in the usage of Final Cut Pro. Therefore, this would the skill I would like to improve. How can I do this? It is easy. Since it is another level from simple video editing software, I would have to learn more than just simple and basic functions such as cutting and cropping, but also learn how to use advanced effect customization, custom title creation etc. This can all be accomplished by learning through online tutorials and watching example videos from the internet. These usually provide a good source of learning. By learning it online, I can amass reasonably good skill in using the program.

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